Up until recently, everyone here at The Nest would have turned their noses up even at the very mention of free wordpress hosting. It has unfortunately become a term that is synonymous with shady people who are trying to make some quick cash. For many years it has lured people in with the false promise that they will be able to host on wordpress completely free of charge and receive the same as a paid hosting service. The problem is, this is not always the case, and people can end up getting a really awful service from the person that is hosting their website. Luckily, it seems that not all free hosters are out to get you, and some are offering legitimate services, in exchange for some simple ad space.

Free WordPress Hosting For Marketing
Nothing in life is free, and there is almost always a catch when someone offers you a free version of something that is actually quick involved cost-wise. Running a website hosting service costs a lot of money, you need to cover the costs of the servers, the software, the support, the integration and more. So when a company or person tells you they can offer free hosting, be aware that it usually involves some kind of reciprocal value, such as ad space, or even worse, a limited service. Before we go on, we just want to say that the best option is always to pay for hosting, and you can get it for only £3 a month, which is very good value. But if you are determined to get free wordpress hosting for your website, then there are a few things your should know first.

Almost Free Hosting
We actually much prefer to promote the almost free side of the free hosting movement. These are the best way to ensure that you have all the right things you need to make your website a success. If you are just getting into websites or you are starting your own blog, you may not know that there are a number of add ons that you need for you website that you could end up missing if you go for a free limited hosting service. Among other things, you need things like:
- Email addresses
- Disk space
- SSL certificate
- Updates
- Backups
The chances of receiving this with a free hosting service is highly unlikely, and what’s more, for only a few pounds a month, you could get legitimate hosting with most of this already included.

Free Hosting Sites
We want to share out top free hosting sites, so that you can avoid getting into a service that does not have your best interests at heart.
First up – WordPress.com
It is the little brother of the popular wordpress.org. It offers free hosting, 3GB storage and access to free templates. The downside is that you are restricted to these templates, and you don’t get your own domain name.
With Wix, you get the same service as wordpress, you just get it in the Wix flavour. That being said, their storage is also limited to 500MB.